What do you want to connect today?

We appreciate you signing up for NGS. In a few short steps we'll have you up and running and sending messages.

Installation of the NGS utility

The first thing you'll need to do is install the NGS CLI (Command Line Interface). The ngs utility is used to signup and administer your NGS account.

The installation process is straightforward. Open up a command prompt and type the following:

$ curl https://downloads.synadia.com/ngs/install.py -sSf | python

This will install the ngs utility into ~/.ngs/bin. Follow the instructions provided by the ngs utility after the download completes to get signed up, and to send your first message!

You can get usage help anytime by executing ngs -h.

The Free Plan

To sign up for a free account you'll use the ngs signup command

$ ngs signup --free

Paid plans

Signing up for paid plans is similar to signing up for the free plan except with a few more steps. In addition to finding plan information on synadia.com/ngs/pricing, you can view information about current plans locally with the following command:

$ ngs account plans

You'll see the list of available plans, select the one that most closely matches your requirements. If your needs exceed any of the plans listed, contact us at info@synadia.com and we’d be happy to help create a custom plan for you.

$ ngs signup

Check your email, within a minute or so you will receive an email with a link to a secure payment page. There you can enter your payment information and activate your account. Follow the instructions to complete the signup process with ngs signup. If you leave ngs signup running, it will auto-complete. Otherwise you can check your account status with:

$ ngs account status

Information about your NGS account status will be displayed. We bill on a monthly basis, so you will see a four week expiry, which will be renewed on the next automatic credit card payment.

The signup process will generate the necessary credentials to activate your account. To test that everything is working, let's send our first message.

$ ngs demo echo <some text>

If successful, you will see something like the following:

> ngs demo echo HELLO
Published [ngs.echo] : 'HELLO'
Received [_INBOX.IUAKVmH8SZfgJc6M666obM.wn1hGbsk] : '[California, US]: "HELLO"'

Congratulations! You have successfully registered with NGS and sent your first message on the NGS secure global messaging system.

The ngs tool also has built in publishers, subscribers, queue subscribers and request and reply. Feel free to try them out and join the NATS Slack Channel to get help and information.

> ngs tool -h
Use one of the NATS tools: pub, sub, qsub, req

  ngs tool [command]

Available Commands:
  pub     Publish to a subject on your NGS account
  qsub    Subscribe to a subject, as part of a queue, on your NGS account
  reply   Listen on a subject on your NGS account, and reply to messages
  req     Send a request to a subject on your NGS account
  sub     Subscribe to a subject on your NGS account

When you are ready to program your own NGS client, you can get started with one of our NGS aware clients. We have support for Go and Node.js for launch, with more clients to be released soon.

// Go client
nc, err := Connect(url, UserCreds(“~/.nkeys/synadia/accounts/ngs/users/ngs.creds”)

// Node.js client
var nc = NATS.connect(url, NATS.creds('~/.nkeys/synadia/accounts/ngs/users/ngs.creds'));

To learn more about NGS and the NATS technology, please visit How it Works.